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3 ways to have a motivational workspace

If there's one thing you should know about me, is that I'm OBSESSED with stationary decor. I believe that in order to have a workspace that's motivating, it should consist of things that make you feel happy.

1. Motivational Quotes

For me, having quotes to remind me of the bad-ass chick I should be, make me motivated to do things I don't really want to do. Even when it comes to studying, having these quotes surrounding me serve as a reminder in what I believe in.

If you saw in the two pictures above, I include two pictures of quotes I keep on a shelf above my desk. I wanted to pick words that would really have a positive affect on me. "Fight for what you love" is definitely something that inspires me. I wanted to have that as a reminder to show me to never be afraid to pursue what I love. "Smart is the new sexy" really pushes me when it comes to studying. Intelligence is definitely sexy!

2. Cute Stationary Supplies

I could spend hours in the office & stationary section in TJ Maxx and Marshalls. There are times that I even organize the way the supplies are put in those sections! Im a bit OCD when it comes to things like that. Anyways, I think that having stationary supplies like planners, notebooks, or even pencil cases can definitely provide motivation. Having stationary supplies that you love can more than likely reel you into your workspace.

Planner, pencil case, and agenda book

I love this planner (TJ Maxx) so much! As soon as I laid my eyes on it, I knew it was the one. Also, this pencil case (TJ Maxx) is by far the best one I've had. I was actually lucky to find a pencil case with the same kind of colors as my planner. After buying the planner, I definitely felt the urge to constantly look inside to see any upcoming events. Also, the agenda book (Target) I have has definitely helped me a lot in figuring out my daily tasks. I literally don't know what I'd do without it!

3. Motivational/Reminder Board

On the wall above my desk, I have this magnetic whiteboard that I use to put polaroids of friends and family. I think that having this, definitely serves as a reminder of the people I love and who also care for me. I also think that this board adds the finishing touches to my workspace.

Inspirational board

Having a workspace that makes you feel happy surely causes you to become more motivated. Remember to always keep that in mind! You definitely don't want to work/study in a space that makes you feel tired, bored, or unhappy. With that being said, I hope you guys enjoyed my first blog post! I really hope that this post at least in a way has helped!

Remember to always enjoy the little things.


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